Freeze Transformation for Save

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Freeze Transformation for Save

Post by akuzminykh »

Hi, how to freeze a transformation in CC, i.e. set it to identity, to save a transformed point cloud as it is? I have a point cloud from a PCD file that I transform via the "Apply transformation" function on the cloud node to align the content with the axes. Now when I save this transformed point cloud as a PCD file and open that file, the displayed point cloud has the wrong location and orientation. What is the correct workflow?
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Re: Freeze Transformation for Save

Post by daniel »

Which version are you using?

In older versions, the 'sensor' part of the PCD file was ignored (i.e., when the entity was transformed, the sensor was not updated). Now in the latest 2.13.x versions, it is correctly updated.

So either you need to upgrade CloudCompare, or if it's the latest version, then you may want to delete the 'sensor' object below the cloud before saving it.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Freeze Transformation for Save

Post by akuzminykh »

I'm using 2.12.4 and have found a workaround: Before exporting the transformed point cloud, apply the inverse transformation on the "TLS/GBL" node under the cloud node.

Just tested exporting with 2.13.1 and it works as expected. Thank you!
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Re: Freeze Transformation for Save

Post by beredis »

Here’s a brief guide on how to apply the inverse transformation:

- Open CloudCompare and load your point cloud. Autodesk AEC 2024 best price.
- Select the point cloud and find the "TLS/GBL" node.
- Apply the inverse transformation to this node.
- Save the point cloud as a PCD file.
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