Interactive modification of scalar values

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Interactive modification of scalar values

Post by Dimitri »

Hi Daniel,

I'm looking for a way to correct simple mistake in classification issues by 'interactively' changing the value of a scalar as a function of a selection in the 3D view.

A tool like the "scissor" tool would be great except that rather than cutting, you'd simply enter the value of the active scalar of the points within (or outside) the polygone. This would be a way to quickly edit incorrect classifications for instance.

Unless I've missed something, it's currently feasible by :
. cutting the area of interest
. erasing the active scalar
. creating a new one with the same name, and enter the desired scalar value
. merge the old and new cloud
....but it's hardly practical when you want to edit large clouds...

I'm thinking of something else by the way: it'd be great to have a tick box in "Params" tab of the display SF, such that when you choose to have a limited display for a given scalar (e.g. scalar #1), then, by ticking this box, you keep only these points at screen even if you change the scalar. The advantage would be for very large clouds relative to the computer memory: this avoid creating another large cloud corresponding to the min,max of scalar #1, just to see the other scalars for the selected I really being clear here ;-) ?

salut et un grand merci pour CC !

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