remove plots crossing the polyline

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remove plots crossing the polyline

Post by ophelie »

Hi there,

Sorry if the title isn't very good, I don't really know how to ask this.

I have a point cloud that is divided into 30 x 30m plots, in a study area.
Which means I have ~700 las files within the area.

However, I want to keep only the ones that are FULL. In other words, any square that is crossing the polyline (representing the area) need to be removed.
So in the pictures below, I want the square that crossed the line out of my dataset, but I want to keep the rest.
cc.PNG (33.58 KiB) Viewed 66859 times
cc2.PNG (343.11 KiB) Viewed 66859 times
I can do it manually but that means I would check the files individually... I'm sure there's a way!

Thanks for you help :)
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