Apply Transformation results are broken (Swiss Grid to local frame)

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Apply Transformation results are broken (Swiss Grid to local frame)

Post by dreiländereck »

Good Morning Everyone

I got the task to apply a transformation onto a global E57 point cloud data file (40 GB) with Swiss Grid coordinates (LV95/LN02).

As result a local coordinate system is required. I got the translation and rotation parameters and a section of the original point cloud, which allows me to try the task in shorter time. The size of the section is 4 GB.

The transformation was done in two steps. First the shift from the global origin to the local origin and afterwards a rotation with an angle of 19.89 degrees. The transformation values are stored in a text file to negotiate input mistakes. All steps are done by four eyes control.

We got also a 3D CAD model which shows, that the transformation process of the section point cloud went fine.

With this result I repeat the steps to transform the 40 GB file, but it looks only on the first view good. We took a closer look to the result and there is a slightly shift on the x and y axis from -4.2 and 10.6 cm. The z axis is equal to the section point cloud.

Due to customer issues I am not able to upload a screenshot here, but please @daniel please contact me to dive deeper into the issue.
Regards Sebastian
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Re: Apply Transformation results are broken (Swiss Grid to local frame)

Post by daniel »

Can you send me an email to (with maybe more details on your process: are you using the command line mode maybe? etc.)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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