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File "XX.dll" Doesn't seem to be a valid plugin

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:26 pm
by Tolier

Je travaille actuellement sur le cloudCompare 2.9 stereo compiled with 1913 and Qt 5.9.1

Mon poste va ressembler à celui de "acotti " écrit en "Fri Nov 10, 2017"

J'avais déjà fait un tout petit plugin de test pour voir la compatibilité et la simplicité pour faire fonctionner un plugin.
J'avais donc fait un plugin puis j'avais simplement glissé mon .dll dans le dossier plugin et cela avait fonctionné !

J'ai donc attaqué la création de mon plugin qui est fortement inspiré du plugin existant "compass" la seule "library" que j'ai du rajouté c'est "Qt5Network.dll" pour pouvoir faire une simple connexion UDP ...

Une fois mon plugin opérationnel j'ai donc effectué la même manipulation, j'ai glissé mon plugin dans le dossier plugin de cloudCompareStereo 2.9.1 compiled with MSVC 1800 et Qt 5.9.1

Et au lancement de cloudCompare il me dit :

[16:44:37] [Plugin] File 'QGEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll' doesn't seem to be a valid plugin
(Cannot load library C:\Program Files\CloudCompareStereo\plugins\QGEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll: La procédure spécifiée est introuvable.)

Pouvez-vous m'aider a éclaircir cela ?

Merci de m'avoir lu,



I am currently working on cloudCompare 2.9 stereo compiled with 1913 and Qt 5.9.1

My post will look like that of "acotti" written in "Fri Nov 10, 2017"

I had already done a very small test plugin to see the compatibility and simplicity to run a plugin.
So I made a plugin and then I just dragged my .dll into the plugin folder and it worked!

So I attacked the creation of my plugin which is strongly inspired by the existing plugin "compass" the only "library" that I add it is "Qt5Network.dll" to be able to make a simple UDP connection ...

Once my plugin operational I therefore do the same manipulation, I slipped my plugin in the plugin folder cloudCompareStereo 2.9.1 compiled with MSVC 1800 and Qt 5.9.1

And at the launch of cloudCompare he tells me:

[16:44:37] [Plugin] File 'QGEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll' does not seem to be a valid plugin
(Can not load library C: \ Program Files \ CloudCompareStereo \ plugins \ QGEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll: The specified procedure was not found.)

Can you help me clarify that?

Thanks for reading me,

Re: File "XX.dll" Doesn't seem to be a valid plugin

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:05 pm
by daniel
Actually I think the problem is due to the fact that the default plugin 'template' has been slightly modified since then. Your plugin should now come with a json file that describes the plugin (see ... mplePlugin).

The default template has also changed a little (some methods are not needed anymore, etc.). Don't hesitate to ask for more info if you need.

Re: File "XX.dll" Doesn't seem to be a valid plugin

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:06 pm
by Tolier
Well, I started trying to include the info.json but this added a need to change the ccStdPluginInterface class but he needs also change ccDefaultPluginInterface.h and in the end it put me in fault all the other plugin loader...

I think it would be better if I get a last git to remake a last version of CMake.

Re: File "XX.dll" Doesn't seem to be a valid plugin

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:25 pm
by daniel
Oh yes, you have to work with the latest version and update your plugin indeed ;)

Re: File "XX.dll" Doesn't seem to be a valid plugin

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 9:00 am
by Tolier

J'ai donc téléchargé la last release Version 2.9.1 sur cloudCompare ou j'ai adapté mon plugin pour qu'il ressemble à celui de Compass, qui a cette version n'utilisé pas du json . J'ai donc un version 2.9.1 stereo MSVC 1913 Qt 5.9.1 ou mon plugin marche très bien en Debug et Release mais une fois que je prends mon plugin dll et la Qt5Network.dll et que je le mais sur la version 2.9.1 Stereo officiel j'ai toujours l'erreur
"[Plugin] File 'QGEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll' doesn't seem to be a valid plugin (cannot load library C:\Program Files\CloudCompareStereo_v2.9.1_bin_x64\plufins\QGEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll:La procédure spécifiée est introuvable.)

j'ai par la suite téléchargé directement la version GitHub qui date de 4 jour... j'ai donc adapté mon plugin avec le json et avec toutes les modifications effectuer, pour enfin constaté que c'était ainsi la "version 2.10 - alpha stereo MSVC 1913 Qt 5.9.1 "donc bien sur si je m’étais mon plugin dans les version 2.9.1 cela ne marché pas bien sur. J'ai donc pris la "Latest alpha release (2.10.alpha - 07/06/2018) Version 2.10-alpha MSVC 1910 Qt 5.9.3" et là, "Plugin found:Geopixel(GEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll)
Mais malheureusement au moment de cliquer dessus," CloudCompare.exe a cessé de fonctionner".

Avait vous une solution à mon problème car je n'arrive vraiment pas à comprendre que mes version Release marche pour toutes les versions, mais passez sur les exes définitifs cela ne marche plus...


So I downloaded the last release Version 2.9.1 on cloudCompare or I adapted my plugin so that it looks like Compass, which has this version doesn't use json. So I have a version 2.9.1 stereo MSVC 1913 Qt 5.9.1 or my plugin works very well in Debug and Release but once I take my plugin dll and Qt5Network.dll and I but on the version 2.9. 1 official stereo I always have the error
 "[Plugin] File 'QGEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll' can not load library C: \ Program Files \ CloudCompareStereo_v2.9.1_bin_x64 \ plufins \ QGEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll: The specified procedure was not found.)

I subsequently downloaded directly the version GitHub which dates from 4 days ... so I adapted my plugin with the json and with all the modifications to make, for finally found that it was thus the "version 2.10 - alpha stereo MSVC 1913 Qt 5.9.1 "so of course if I had my plugin in version 2.9.1 it doesn't work of course. So I took the "Latest alpha release (2.10.alpha - 07/06/2018) Version 2.10-alpha MSVC 1910 Qt 5.9.3" and there, "Plugin found: Geopixel (GEOPIXEL_PLUGIN.dll)
But unfortunately when you click on it, "CloudCompare.exe has stopped working".

Did you have a solution to my problem because I can not really understand that my release version works for all versions, but pass on the final exe it does not work anymore ...
thx :D

Re: File "XX.dll" Doesn't seem to be a valid plugin

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:41 am
by Tolier
Hi again,

I finally solved my problem, by performing tests I realized that when I didn't use extra dll like QtNetwork the plugin was recognized but when I was a Qtnetwork I wasn't more recognized ... So I'm learning on this point!
As I used Visual Studio 2017 I include Qt 5.9.1 msvc 2017 but as you have compiled your cloudcompare in msvc 1800 it must be MSVC 2013, so doing a Cmake of visual studio 12 2013 and a qt 5.9.1 msvc 2013 it works! So I did a stupid mistake, I would even say beginner ....

I still have concerns with my plugin but it has nothing to do with the title of this topic! My mistake is when opening a .fls or .lsproj of Faro module when doing the action to open my plugin by clicking on the button, "CloudCompare has stopped working." I think I'll post this message in another subject if I really can not understand
