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Faro .FLS (RAW vs Processed) Please support processed!

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:36 am
by ChrisChinea

More than a few people seem to be having an issue importing .fls filetypes aside from the .dll issue. Many receive the error (No Workspace).

I believe the issue is that the supported format in CC reads only the RAW fls file type and not the one you would export from Faro SCENE.
(example below with pictures)

It would be amazing if we can read these processed and registered .fls files inside CC. I'm unsure how difficult it would be to expand on the faro supported formats, but many would be eternally grateful!

RAW fls file structure straight from a faro focus 330hdr

inside a RAW- fls

exporting part 1
a cleaned & registered scan

exporting part 2
Options for exporting a .fls file type

exporting part 3
results of exporting a scan from Scene (No longer has the top level folder with a sub directory)

Thank you for your time, CC is an amazing tool, please keep up the great work!

Re: Faro .FLS (RAW vs Processed) Please support processed!

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:02 pm
by daniel
Interesting. We are relying on the FARO 'LS' SDK. I don't know if it has such limitations? Would be cool to have some feedback from someone from FARO ;)

They also provide another API (the 'Open' interface). Maybe worth the try.

Re: Faro .FLS (RAW vs Processed) Please support processed!

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:32 pm
by jedfrechette
In principle the SDK should support processed fls files just fine. The format and their SDK ecosystem has always been a little flacky though.

If you need .fls support maybe you could ask on the Laser Scanning Forum where some of the Faro devs occasionally post.